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Nerdfix Achieves Highest PSO Certification: Step 3 & PSO 30+

At Nerdfix, we believe in an inclusive job market where everyone gets the opportunity to participate.

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Nerdfix Achieves Highest PSO Certification: Step 3 & PSO 30+

At Nerdfix, we believe in an inclusive job market where everyone gets the opportunity to participate. That’s why we are proud to announce that we have achieved the highest possible level on the Performance Ladder for Social Entrepreneurship (PSO): PSO-Step 3 and the PSO 30+ certification.

This means that we not only provide structural employment for people with a distance to the labor market, but that at least 30% of our workforce comes from this group. This independent certification, developed by TNO, confirms our strong commitment to social impact and our contribution to a more inclusive economy.

What Does This Certification Mean?

The PSO certification objectively measures how socially responsible an organization is. Organizations can progress on the PSO performance ladder by sustainably and qualitatively employing people with a vulnerable position in the labor market. PSO-Step 3 is the highest level of recognition, confirming that Nerdfix is among the leaders in social entrepreneurship.

With the additional PSO 30+ certification, we also meet the criteria set by government bodies for social procurement. This certificate makes it clear to contracting parties that Nerdfix demonstrably employs at least 30% of its workforce from individuals with a distance to the labor market.

Additional benefit: The invoice amount spent at Nerdfix can be fully counted (100%) towards the SROI obligation in European tenders and within the social domain. This makes it easier for contracting authorities to meet their social return on investment (SROI) requirements.

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Building an Inclusive Future Together

Achieving PSO-Step 3 and PSO 30+ is not an endpoint for us but a milestone in our ongoing mission to make a difference. We remain dedicated to a labor market where talent and dedication matter more than background or limitations.

Want to learn more about the PSO? Visit and discover how the PSO contributes to a more inclusive society.

Do you have questions about our social entrepreneurship efforts, or are you interested in collaborating? Feel free to contact us!